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2022 Fall Electives_Title.png

We are excited to offer four weeks of specialized electives, beginning Wednesday, October 9th. The electives will take place during our regularly scheduled Wednesday service at 6:30 pm. We hope you will plan now to join us!




Navigate your grief and loss through this thirteen-week video series. Each session features respected experts on grief-related topics and helpful stories from people who have experienced loss. Their insights will help you manage your emotions, gain clarity, and find answers to your questions as you walk through the grief process. (This elective will continue through the end of the year.)

*Registration is required at an additional cost.​​



The psalms are a rich source of encouragement, comfort, and restoration. In them, we find that David cried and laughed; he moaned and praised; he wrestled and rested. Explore several precious psalms and their application to our everyday life.



Motherhood is precious! It is both difficult and rewarding; it is a great joy and a great responsibility. Thankfully, God has not left us to do it alone. We have both His presence and the instruction of His Word. In this elective, we will apply Scriptural principles to the important task of parenting in all stages of our children’s lives.



Emotions are a gift from God, but they can be misleading.  Feelings will either frustrate and exhaust you, or they will be directed by the Holy Spirit.  We must allow truth and peace to rule our hearts.  In this study, we’ll navigate difficult emotions including conflict, rejection, and defeat.

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