Fridays in September
8:30-9:30 AM • Common Ground Coffee Shop
Life is busy. For busy, working women with countless demands on our lives, we must be intentional about forming and building solid Christian friendships and about studying and applying God’s Word. Set aside time for both of these important priorities by attending our Oasis Bible Study each Friday in September. We will be studying what it means to become a woman of freedom and how we can grow to walk more fully in the Truth. We hope you will join us as we study the Word of God together and learn more about the awesome freedom we can experience through Christ.
The material for this Bible study will be available for $10 in Common Ground Bookstore each week.
Friday, September 6 - Bible Study
Friday, September 13 - Bible Study
Friday, September 20 - Bible Study & Outreach Project
Friday, September 27 - Bible Study & Fall Craft